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Have you ever wished there was something similar to the Christmas Jesse Tree activity to help you better prepare your children for Pascha?  When friends began to implement my Jesse Tree Guide, this became a frequent request and so I began to compile The Zacchaeus Tree.  This daily guide will lead the entire family from Zacchaeus Sunday right through to the Resurrection. 


The Zacchaeus Tree is the result of decades of teaching, crafting, cooking, sharing, and compiling memories with my own little saints, as well as with the many catechism student I've taught over the years.  It is my honor and my joy to share it with your family.  I hope that it will help you and your children see Christ more clearly as you, just like Zacchaeus, make the Lenten climb toward heaven.


Lessons include:


*Preparatory discussion of the season of the Great Fast as outlined by the Byzantine pre-Lenten Sundays.


*Daily meditations for adults and children, leading through the Passion of Christ, and a guided discussion of each lesson.


*Accompanying crafts, projects, recipes, or suggestions for each daily lesson that will earn each child a leaf to put on his own Zacchaeus Tree, as a gift to Jesus.


*Instructions and discussion on the hymns and prayers that are contained in the Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts.


Published by Ancilla Press

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The Zacchaeus Tree: A Family Guide Through the Season of the Great Fast


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