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When I began to compile the lessons in this book in no way did I ever envision it as a finished product.  It began when I decided to read daily bible stories to my own five little ones in preparation for Christmas and wanted to have them make little commemorative ornaments to decorate a Jesse Tree.  Since the only guides I could find were geared toward a western advent calendar, I decided to make up my own! 


We began on the first day of Philip's Fast, November 15th, with the creation of the angels and Adam and Eve, and continued through the history of our salvation, discussing key talking points and answering their adorable questions along the way.  Each evening I would write these down so as not to forget just how adorable they were from year to year.  The ornaments the children created became precious heirlooms and even when the children grew and no longer wanted to make new ones, they would still rush to the box to find the ones they made when they were toddlers and hang them on the tree!  This activity became more to my little family than a means for catechesis.  It took all those teaching points and attached precious memories that hopefully will live on in them when God entrusts them with their very own little disciples someday.  Perhaps they will remember me too!   


Includes 40 daily scripture accounts, a guided discussion for each day, as well as instructions for a simple commemorative ornament.  

A complete craft supply list is also provided in the appendix.

Published by Ancilla Press

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The Jesse Tree: A Family Guide Through the Season of Advent and Philipovka


    Material found on ByziMomcom may be reprinted for personal use; Not to be used for commercial purposes; All rights reserved © 2023

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