A Recipe for St. Photina's Golden Egg-in-the-Well
When the our friend the Samaritan woman, whose name was Photina, looked into Jacob's well, she saw the water she needed for her daily survival. Christ told her that she should desire more than that; she should look for the living water that would refresh not only her body, but her soul.
What was this "living water"? It was Christ, Himself!
When Christ looked into the well of Photina's soul, He didn't see what she saw in herself.
She saw something ordinary, broken and sad.
He saw something golden and perfect, the way He had created her to be.
She could be that way again, even though she had allowed herself to become stained by sin. She just needed to commit her life to Him and He would make her clean again!
As we make these little wells with something golden and perfect in them, let us think of our friend St. Photina and, like her, commit ourselves to Christ again.
St. Photina's Golden Egg-in-the-Well
To make 6 of these breakfast treats you will need:
6 eggs
2 medium thin-skinned potatoes and scrubbed clean, shredded
2 Tbsp. olive oil
salt and pepper to taste.
Preheat your oven to 400 degrees F. Mix the potatoes, oil, salt, and pepper in a large bowl. Then take a 6-cup muffin pan and grease each well, or spray with a non-stick cooking spray, and divide the potatoes into the cups, spreading them out to form your wells. Press them down evenly and well, making sure to leave enough room to add your eggs later. Place your pan of potato wells into the oven for 5 minutes, to set them. Remove the pan from the oven and crack one egg into each well, lightly season the top with salt and pepper, and place the pan back into the oven for 12-15 minutes to cook the eggs. Watch them closely, as you will want to pull them out at the very moment that the yolk is perfectly cooked, just the way you like it! Let the pan cool for 2-3 minutes, and using a knife, gently lift the egg-in-the-well onto a serving plate and enjoy!
