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Welcome to our Publication!

ByziKids Magazine is a pan-Eastern Christian, grassroots, monthly publication dedicated to the celebration of Byzantine Orthodoxy through the eyes of our children.  We are not affiliated with any particular Church or jurisdiction, but welcome and strive to encompass the teachings and traditions common to all of Byzantine Orthodox-Catholic Christianity.


ByziKids Bridge Initiative

In the spirit of unity in Christ, ByziKids magazine is working hard to make our work pertinent to both Eastern Catholic and Eastern Orthodox families.  We ByziMoms realize that children don't care about political differences or water that’s long run under the bridge. Our Eastern Christian children love to play, learn, share, craft, and celebrate life together!   Love is what matters; love for Christ and for each other.


We at ByziKids want to bridge the gap between all jurisdictions of true Christians and bring everyone the shared resources their family can use to increase their love for Christ!


This means that now... 


  • We’ll bring you calendars that denote both Gregorian and Julian feasts and fasts.        

  • We’ll include more information about all the Eastern saints, feasts, fasts, and traditions, regardless of jurisdiction.  We want to learn about all of our brothers and sisters in the true faith and we welcome your input as well!                                              

  • We’ll support and feature both Eastern Catholic and Eastern Orthodox monasteries.                                                                                                                         

Thank you for helping us build this new bridge together!




We, the ByziMoms who collaborate to produce ByziKids Magazine believe…


…that today’s world does not strive to provide a culture of respect toward God, His Church, or His teachings.


 ..that Eastern Christian families are in dire need of fellowship and resources for teaching the littlest members of the Body of Christ about Him and His will so that they may become the next generation of the true Church. 


... that Byzantine Children deserve resources that speak to their little hearts and souls in the language of their own culture as Eastern Christians. 


...that these resources should be shared with anyone and everyone who can use them, regardless of their affiliation with any particular Church or jurisdiction since we understand and respect that Christ’s final plea to His Father was that we all be One. 


...that these resources should provide our children with lessons that appeal to the same five senses that were consecrated to Christ by their chrismation, and that the lessons be should be fun as well as educational! 


Finally, we the ByziMoms who collaborate to produce ByziKids Magazine believe that this is a wonderful way for us to multiply the talents we were given, share the things we have learned in the education of our own children, and thereby glorify God.


We hope you enjoy our publication.



The ByziKids Team:


Lynne Wardach………...............Creator and Executive Editor


Mirna Farahat.........................................Layout & Design Editor


Julie Luckey

Jocelyn Abyad

Sarah Tamiian

Katie Reetzke

Rebecca O'Loughlin

Kim Fritzges...............................................Contributing Editors


Sylvia Dorham…….....................................Contributor at Large


Desiree Chapman

Lena Key..............................................................Photographers​


Published by PrintTech



Published by Ironjet Promotions


Material found on ByziMomcom may be reprinted for personal use; Not to be used for commercial purposes; All rights reserved © 2023

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